Calendar of Events

Charles Houston Health & Fitness Expo

Title:Charles Houston Health & Fitness Expo
Date & Time:Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location:Charles Houston Recreation Center, 901 Wythe St. (Map This)
Charles Houston Recreation Center
Event Details:Charles Houston Health & Fitness Expo
Charles Houston Health & Fitness Expo
The Charles Houston Recreation Center will host a Health and Fitness Expo to provide an overall health assessment experience and knowledge of wellness opportunities in Alexandria, and in surrounding communities. There will be a variety of exhibitors attending to educate the community about sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. We also want to provide participants with wellness strategies to improve their mental health, and overall safety.
Contact Phone No.:703.746.5552
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Arts, Community Outreach, Exercise, Family, Nature, Parks, Recreation, Recreation Centers, Schools, Sports, Summer Fun for Kids, Teens, Toddlers, Youth

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