Calendar of Events

VIRTUAL: Budget Adoption

Title:VIRTUAL: Budget Adoption
Date & Time:Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location:Virtual Only Event, Meeting or Activity
Meetings, events or activities that will be held exclusively online or via telephone conference.
Event Details:The April 29, 2020 meeting of the City Council is being held electronically pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3708.2(A)(3) and/or the Continuity of Government ordinance adopted by the City Council April 18, 2020. All of the members of the City Council and staff are participating from remote locations through a Zoom Video Conference. There is no public hearing component of this meeting and no public testimonies will be taken. The meeting can be accessed by the public via live broadcast on the government channel 70, streaming on the City’s website; and through Zoom at the following link below or Dial 301-715-8592; Webinar ID: 940 2428 6607 Password: 710073
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Budget, Budget2021, Cablecast, City Council, City Council Calendar, City Hall, Council Meeting, Live Closed Captioning, Webcast

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