Calendar of Events

Firefighting History Walking Tours

Title:Firefighting History Walking Tours
Date & Time:Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location:Friendship Firehouse Museum, 107 S. Alfred St. (Map This)
Event Details:Friendship Firehouse
Friendship Firehouse
Explore Alexandria’s firefighting history on the “Blazing a Trail: Alexandria’s Firefighting History” tour. Participants learn about volunteer firefighting in early Alexandria, three major fires, and the five volunteer fire companies. The tour begins at the historic Friendship Firehouse, goes east on Prince Street, and returns to Friendship via King Street.

For ages 10 and older. Reservations are required, as space is limited. Telephone 703.746.4994, or see

Contact Phone No.:703.746.4994
Fees:$6 for adults, $4 ages 10-17.
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Museums, Old & Historic Alexandria, Old Town

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