Calendar of Events

Band Concert & Interactive Music (Free)

Title:Band Concert & Interactive Music (Free)
Date & Time:Sat Oct 22, 2022 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location:Mt. Vernon Ave at Four Mile Run (Map This)
West end of Four Mile Run Park where Mt. Vernon Ave crosses the Run.
Event Details:City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts is pleased to announce the Creative Neighborhood Grant Program (CNGP). Funding for this program is made possible by the City of Alexandria and an Arts Project grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

The CNGP awardees will be hosting unique and engaging community programs to help energize Alexandria neighborhoods.

Awardee: Alexandria Citizens Band

Event: Band Concert and Interactive Music Activities for Children

Location: Four Mile Run Conservatory, 4109 Mt. Vernon Ave

For a full list of programs and to learn more about this grant, please visit the links below.
Contact Person:Cheryl Anne Colton
Contact Phone No.:703.746.5565
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Arlandria, Arts, Community Event, Concerts, Parents, Recreation, Recreation Centers, Seniors, Teens, Youth

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