Calendar of Events

City Council Retreat

Title:City Council Retreat
Date & Time:Sat Nov 10, 2018 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Location:Alexandria Renew Education Center & Meeting Space, 1800 Limerick Street
From Eisenhower Avenue, turn south on Hoofs Run Drive, and make a left on Limerick Street. The Environmental Center will be on the right. If using Google Map directions, please enter the building’s coordinates (38.79818, -77.06273) and not the address:

*Please note that when entering 1800 Limerick into Google Maps, it may reroute to an incorrect location
Event Details:City Council Budget Retreat
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Budget, Budget2020, City Council, City Council Calendar, Council Meeting, Joint City-Schools Facility Investment Task Force

For event details visit
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