Calendar of Events

Maker Faire NoVa

Title:Maker Faire NoVa
Date & Time:Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location:Alexandria City High School School Room E201 (Rotunda), 3330 King St. (Map This)
Second floor Rotunda room
Event Details:Maker Faire NoVa logo - Office of the Arts/Nova Labs.
Maker Faire NoVa logo - Office of the Arts/Nova Labs.
Alexandria's Office of the Arts (@alexartsoffice) is proud to announce a partnership with NoVa Labs to co-produce Maker Faire NoVa in Alexandria this summer! For the first time since 2019, Northern Virginia's Maker Faire is back, bringing together tech enthusiasts, engineers, woodworkers, metal workers, auto hackers, artists, teachers, and craftspeople from all over Northern Virginia, the Metro DC area, and beyond!

Celebrate Alexandria's 275th year with this first-of-its-kind event. Featuring a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 10am.

Visit for more information and tickets.
Contact Person:Daniel Guzman
Contact Phone No.:703.746.5419
Fees:Tickets vary $10-$30 (early bird tickets end Oct 15).
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:ALL Alexandria, ALX275, Arts, Family, Parks, Recreation, Schools, Visual Arts

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