Calendar of Events

Alexandria Earth Day 2013

Title:Alexandria Earth Day 2013
Date & Time:Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location:Ben Brenman Park, 4800 Brenman Park Dr. (Map This)
Event Details:Alexandria Earth Day
Alexandria Earth Day
The celebration will include a wide variety of environmentally themed activities and educational exhibits related to the City’s Eco-City Alexandria Initiative. Hosted by the Department of Transportation & Environmental Services (T&ES), Office of Environmental Quality, Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities and the Environmental Policy Commission, the event will include educational exhibits and demonstrations, hands-on activities for children, an annual tree sale, and the 3rd annual Trashion Fashion Show, where Alexandria City Public School students will showcase ‘upcycling’ through fashion, art, or song.
Contact Person:Committee Chair
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Eco-City, Environment, Family, Open Space, Parks, Recreation, Youth

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