Calendar of Events

Black History Month Civil War Lecture

Title:Black History Month Civil War Lecture
Date & Time:Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location:Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site, 4301 W. Braddock Rd. (Map This)
Event Details:African American laborers in Alexandria during the Civil War/National Archives
African American laborers in Alexandria during the Civil War/National Archives
In recognition of Black History Month, historian Carroll R. Gibbs will present his lecture, “Whirlwind Coming: African Americans in the District and Alexandria during the Civil War.” Many former slaves migrated to the Washington area during the Civil War seeking refuge behind Union lines, and alongside free blacks worked for the Union war effort in various capacities. In his presentation, Gibbs will discuss the Civil War-era experiences and contributions of African Americans living in the Federal capital and the nearby seaport town of Alexandria, which became a headquarters and transportation center for the Union army. His lecture will highlight the role of civilians as well as some of the U.S. Colored Troop regiments that were associated with the camps and forts that comprised the Civil War Defenses of Washington. The lecture is scheduled for 1 p.m. in the Museum library. Cost for the program is $10 per person, and reservations are suggested due to limited space.
Contact Phone No.:703.746.4848
Fees:$10 per person
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Lecture, Museums, West End

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