Calendar of Events

Friendship Firehouse Festival

Title:Friendship Firehouse Festival
Date & Time:Sat Aug 4, 2018 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location:Friendship Firehouse Museum, 107 S. Alfred St. (Map This)
Event Details:The Friendship Veterans Fire Engine Association (FVFEA) holds its annual Firehouse Festival each year on the first Saturday in August. The popular family event features antique fire apparatus, craft booths, displays by Alexandria merchants, and live music. In addition to the day's outdoor events, festival participants will enjoy visiting the Friendship Firehouse Museum, originally built as a firehouse in 1855. The FVFEA is now a philanthropic organization focusing on fire-fighting history and fire safety. It remains active in community events, including the annual Festival, and supports historic preservation of the building and its collection. Food and beverages are available. Children will receive free fire helmets and are treated to a supervised visit inside the City's fire trucks.
Contact Phone No.:703.746.3891
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Friendship Firehouse Museum, Museums, Old Town

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