Calendar of Events

A Toast to Joe Reeder

Title:A Toast to Joe Reeder
Date & Time:Sun May 4, 2025 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Location:517 Prince Street (Map This)
OHA's new property on Prince Street
Event Details:Join Historic Alexandria for a garden party at Murray-Dick-Fawcett house, 517 Prince Street, celebrating the 98th birthday of Joe Reeder. Enjoy house tours, refreshments, and live music for a fundraiser benefitting Joe’s beloved Murray-Dick-Fawcett House. The Murray-Dick-Fawcett House, at 517 Prince Street, is one of the earliest homes in the city, and possibly the least altered 18th-century home in Northern Virginia. The property was acquired by the City of Alexandria in 2017, with the support of conservation trust funds. It is to be used in perpetuity as a historic site, vest-pocket park and garden, creating new open space in Old Town and preserving this nationally significant architectural and cultural resource for residents and visitors. Tickets available at
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Historic Preservation, Museums, Police Department

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