Calendar of Events

Post-employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Board

Title:Post-employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Board
Date & Time:Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location:City Hall, Room 3500, 301 King Street
City Hall Room 3500, the City Manager's Office, is located on the third floor of City Hall on the south side (King St)
Event Details:The purpose of this OPEB meeting is for the Board to review the investments of this City trust fund. The OPEB Trust receives money from the City and invests it to have available in the future to pay insurance premiums the City will owe for retired employees.
Contact Person:Kadira Coley
Contact Phone No.:703.746.3879
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Boards & Commissions, City Hall, OPEB, Post-Employment Benefits Trust, Retirement

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