Calendar of Events

Lecture: "i Am Not Afraid"

Title:Lecture: "i Am Not Afraid"
Date & Time:Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location:Gadsby's Tavern Museum, 134 N. Royal St. (Map This)
Event Details:George Washington gave his first farewell address at the end of the War for Independence and his second and more famous farewell address at the end of his term as President. Professor Peter Henriques argues that there is a third and final farewell address. He will examine what this is and will focus on George Washington's death, an event which reveals much about America's greatest leader.
Fees:$12 per person or $10 for Society members and volunteers. Tickets can be purchased online at The Alexandria Shop, at the Event Link above.
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Gadsby's Tavern, Lecture

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