Calendar of Events

VIRTUAL: Daycare Parent Town Hall

Title:VIRTUAL: Daycare Parent Town Hall
Date & Time:Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Location:Virtual Only Event, Meeting or Activity
Meetings, events or activities that will be held exclusively online or via telephone conference.
Event Details:Participate in a Town Hall parents with children attending daycare or other child care settings. Receive COVID-19 public health guidance, including when to keep a child home from daycare; when to get a child tested for COVID-19; when to return a child to daycare; and common infection scenarios. Parents will be reminded of the steps they can take to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and share resources. The hope is for these sessions to be interactive, with time for questions at the end. Please join either of the sessions.
Contact Person:Natalie Talis
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:AHDLimited, Caregiver, Family, Health, Youth

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