Calendar of Events

SOLD OUT-Birthnight Banquet And Ball

Title:SOLD OUT-Birthnight Banquet And Ball
Date & Time:Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Location:Gadsby's Tavern Museum, 134 N. Royal St. (Map This)
Event Details:Set in year 1799, you are invited to the recreation of this famous celebration of Washington’s Birthday. The evening includes an 18th-century banquet, English country dancing, dessert collation, character re-enactors, and General and Mrs. George Washington. Period costume optional, “after-five” attire encouraged.
Fees:Tickets will go on sale 12/18 $125 per ticket. $150 per person includes dinner in the same room with the Washington's or $250 per person to eat at the same table as the Washington’s. Reservations required.
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Gadsby's Tavern, Period Dance

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