Calendar of Events

Lecture: Exposing the Alexandria Slave Pen

Title:Lecture: Exposing the Alexandria Slave Pen
Date & Time:Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
201 S. Washington St.
Event Details:Join City of Alexandria Archaeologist Dr. Benjamin Skolnik, as he explores the visual history of 1315 Duke Street in Alexandria, Virginia. Now the Freedom House Museum, the site was once the location where several 19th century dealers trafficked enslaved men, women, and children to the Deep South. Dr. Skolnik will look at period photographs and illustrations of the building and share what they tell us about the building and the businesses which operated from 1315 Duke Street.

At this time, capacity is limited for certain in-person events. Please register using the link below.
Contact Phone No.:703.746.4994
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Black History, Black History Museum, Equity, Lecture, Museums

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