Calendar of Events

VIRTUAL: Conflict Resolution Training for Alexandria Busine

Title:VIRTUAL: Conflict Resolution Training for Alexandria Busine
Date & Time:Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:45 AM - 1:45 PM
Location:Virtual Only Event, Meeting or Activity
Meetings, events or activities that will be held exclusively online or via telephone conference.
Event Details:The City of Alexandria and the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership (AEDP) are sponsoring free training sessions for employees working in businesses and organizations throughout the City who regularly interact with customers.

Partnering with the National Center for Conflict Resolution (NCRC), the 2 hour interactive virtual sessions will help employees hone their skills, and assure they are prepared to respectfully respond to the emotions of clients/customers to achieve better outcomes.

With increased demand on employees to encourage/enforce social distancing and wearing of face coverings, these skills are of great importance!

Effective October 1, face coverings are now required in indoor and outdoor public places, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The ordinance passed by the Alexandria City Council expands on a state executive order that has required masks in most indoor public settings since May 29.

Attendees will learn how to:

• Manage unique challenges that arise in managing conflicts with clients. The axiom "the customer is always right," has its merits, but it is often challenging for front-line staff to effectively manage these situations.

• Navigate clients who feel "wronged" and who are intent to vent their anger on the nearest representative of the organization they believe has injured them- staff are expected to turn the situation around and make the customer happy. Not easy when one feels personally attacked for something that they may or may not have control over.

• Effectively explain policies or practices, avoiding escalation in favor of resolution.
Audience:Anyone may attend
Tags:Business Development, Business Events

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