BEGIN:VCALENDAR CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Embark on an adventure! Explore nature with stories\, games\, crafts\, and outdoor explorations led by our environmental educators. METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// 4.0//EN SUMMARY:CANCELLED: Nature Discoveries on Mar 14\, 2025 VERSION:2.0 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:CANCELLED: Nature Discoveries on Mar 14\, 2025 X-WR-CALNAME:CANCELLED: Nature Discoveries on Mar 14\, 2025 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Community Outreach CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Nature CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Toddlers CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58402\n\nGet ready for an adventure! For kids ages 3-6 (with adults)\, explore the wonders of nature through thrilling stori es\, fun-filled games\, creative crafts\, and exciting outdoor exploratio ns\, all led by our passionate environmental educators. Best part? Siblin gs outside the age range join in the fun for free! Let the adventure begi n!\n\n*Reserve your spot below!\n\nLocation: Jerome "Buddie" Ford Nature Center\, 5750 Sanger Avenue\nContact Phone: 703.746.5559\nFees: $15\nAudi ence: Anyone may attend\nTags: Community Outreach\, Family\, Nature\, Rec reation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Toddlers\, Youth\n\nImport this ev ent into your calendar: px?id=1&si=58402\n\nWeb resources:\n\nSign Up Now!\nhttps://vaalexandriaw ken=DL0R016H1X6J2A431Q4349675W4O006O666X4N545C126Q4I6I4K0E0A4N6O6T1N615Z6 N530B6K4H524Y6P086E5D6I0Q053Q6K6I005Z48564R1C6E6A6Z5B1K634Y47&primarycode =369846&keyword=Nature%20Discoveries&category=&subtype=&display=Detail&mo dule=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=yes\nReserve your spot now.\n\nJerome "Buddie" Ford Nature Center\nhttps://www.alexandriav\nLearn more about the Nature Center!\n\nRPCA Website\n\nFind out more about the Departme nt of Recreation\, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Med ia\n\nFollow us on Instagram\, Fa cebook\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20250314T160000Z DTSTAMP:20250310T135243Z DTSTART:20250314T143000Z GEO:38.827623;-77.131512 LOCATION:Jerome "Buddie" Ford Nature Center\, 5750 Sanger Avenue SEQUENCE:6 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:CANCELLED: Nature Discoveries TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:28925bd0-4db5-47a4-939d-502e660435ad URL: tart&SubAction=&_csrf_token=DL0R016H1X6J2A431Q4349675W4O006O666X4N545C126 Q4I6I4K0E0A4N6O6T1N615Z6N530B6K4H524Y6P086E5D6I0Q053Q6K6I005Z48564R1C6E6A 6Z5B1K634Y47&primarycode=369846&keyword=Nature%20Discoveries&category=&su btype=&display=Detail&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_button search=yes X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Get ready for an adventure! For kids ages 3-6 (with adults)\, explore the wonders o f nature through thrilling stories\, fun-filled games\, creative crafts\, and exciting outdoor explorations\, all led by our passionate environmen tal educators. Best part? Siblings outside the age range join in the fun for free! Let the adventure begin!\n
*Reserve your spot belo w!\n
Location: Jerome "\;Buddie"\; Ford Nature Cente r\, 5750 Sanger Avenue\n
Contact Phone: 703.746.5559\n
Fees: $1 5\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Community Outreach\, Fa mily\, Nature\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Toddlers\, Yout h\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexan\;si=58402
\nSign Up Now!
\nReserve your spot now.
\nJerome "\;Buddie"\; Ford Nature Center
\nLearn mo re about the Nature Center!
\nRPCA Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Rec reation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!