BEGIN:VCALENDAR CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Events & Public Meetings METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// 4.0//EN SUMMARY:Events & Public Meetings VERSION:2.0 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:Events & Public Meetings X-WR-CALNAME:Events & Public Meetings X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Office of the Arts CATEGORIES:Performing Arts CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Tourism CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58810\n\nJoin the VTDITC: Hip Hop Studies at Virgin ia Tech team as we demonstrate and explain the science\, technology\, eng ineering\, art\, and mathematics of the Hip Hop arts. \n\nYou'll get to w itness and try your hand at two of Hip Hop culture's traditional creative practices: DJing (both mixing and scratching) and beat making. After we explain the science behind what we do\, we'll happily answer any question s you have and provide advice on how you can start creating. We look forw ard to learning with you!\n\nHappening in the Overlook Room at the Torped o Factory Art Center. \n\nLocation: Torpedo Factory\, 105 N. Union St.\nC ontact Person: Brett Johnson\nContact Phone: 703.746.4577\nContact Email:\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Arts\ , Family\, Office of the Arts\, Performing Arts\, Recreation\, Teens\, To rpedo Factory Art Center\, Tourism\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: 810\n\nWeb resources:\n\nMore Info\n tive-development-the-science-technology-engineering-art-mathematics-inher ent-in-hip-hop-culture/\n\nRSVP Here\n ve-development-the-steam-inherent-in-hip-hop-culture-tickets-126728994132 9?aff=oddtdtcreator\n DTEND:20250327T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250311T162723Z DTSTART:20250327T143000Z GEO:38.804902;-77.040017 LOCATION:Torpedo Factory\, 105 N. Union St. SEQUENCE:9 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Creative Development: Hip Hop Elements Workshop TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:be88834b-d4c6-4cf1-b401-2cd8c451d12d URL: nology-engineering-art-mathematics-inherent-in-hip-hop-culture/ X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Join the V TDITC: Hip Hop Studies at Virginia Tech team as we demonstrate and explai n the science\, technology\, engineering\, art\, and mathematics of the H ip Hop arts. \n
You?ll get to witness and try your hand at t wo of Hip Hop culture?s traditional creative practices: DJing (both mixin g and scratching) and beat making. After we explain the science behind wh at we do\, we?ll happily answer any questions you have and provide advice on how you can start creating. We look forward to learning with you!\n\n
Happening in the Overlook Room at the Torpedo Factory Art Cen ter. \n
Location: Torpedo Factory\, 105 N. Union St.\n
Contact Person: Brett Johnson\n
Contact Phone: 703.746.4577\n
C ontact Email:\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Arts\, Family\, Office of the Arts\, Performing Arts\ , Recreation\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Tourism\, Youth\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexandriava. gov/CalendarTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58810
\nMore Info
\nRSVP Here
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250311T162723Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58446\n\nSunday\, April 20 - Easter\n\nCLOSED: All Facilities\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\nLocat ion: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adult\, A rts\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torped o Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: htt p://\n\nWeb res ources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nhttps://www\nVerif y status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclemen t weather and closures.\n\nRPCA Website\n reation\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & Cultu ral Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\n /Recreation#ConnectwithUs\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter! \n DTEND:20250421T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T155613Z DTSTART:20250420T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closed: Easter Sunday TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:62c3c842-0905-44fb-b0ca-e04b1fbcd1d2 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Sunday\, A pril 20 - Easter\n
CLOSED: All Facilities\n
Ple ase visit the links below for more information.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Ad ult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import this event into your calendar: amp\;si=58446
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &\; Servic e Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facil ity operations during inclement weather and closures.
\nRPCA Website
\nFind out more a bout the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPC A).
\n RPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twi tter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T155613Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Pools CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58447\n\nMonday\, May 26 - Memorial Day Weekend\n\n Old Town Pool & Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.\n\nAll Other Facilities: Clo sed\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\nLocation: N o Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adult\, Arts\, F amily\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpe do Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: ht tp://\n\nWeb re sources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nhttps://ww\nVeri fy status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during incleme nt weather and closures.\n\nRPCA Website\n creation\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & Cult ural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://www.alexandriava.go v/Recreation#ConnectwithUs\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter !\n\nTorpedo Factory Art Center\n\nLearn more about the Torpedo Factory Art Center.\n\nAquatic Facilities\nhttps://www.\nLearn more about RPCA's Aquatic Facilities.\n DTEND:20250527T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T155827Z DTSTART:20250526T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Memorial Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:0b032d18-6b04-498a-adf1-659cd43996eb URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Monday\, M ay 26 - Memorial Day Weekend\n
Old Town Pool &\; Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.?4 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Closed\n
\ n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Impo rt this event into your calendar: st/iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58447
\nRPCA Program\, Activi ty\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, se rvices\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.\nRPCA Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultur al Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Fac ebook\, &\; Twitter!
\nTorped o Factory Art Center
\nLearn more about the Torpedo Factory Art Ce nter.
\nAquatic Facili ties
\nLearn more about RPCA'\;s Aquatic Facilities.
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T155827Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Pools CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58448\n\nWednesday\, May 28 - Graduation Day (ACHS) \n\nOld Town Pool & Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.\n\nChinquapin\, Minnie Howard & Memorial Pool: Closed\n\nAll Other Facilities: Open for regular ly scheduled hours\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\ n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: A dult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\ , Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into yo ur calendar: 58448\n\nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellati ons\n ellations\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.\n\nRPCA Website\nhttps://www.alex\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation \, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://www.\nFollow us on Instagram\, Faceb ook\, & Twitter!\n\nAquatic Facilities\n tics\nLearn more about RPCA's Aquatic Facilities.\n\nTorpedo Factory Art Center\n\nLearn more about the Torpedo Factory Art Center.\n DTEND:20250529T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T160254Z DTSTART:20250528T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Graduation Day (ACHS) TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:21a75f89-ef6a-49bd-be8b-c021f159113c URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Wednesday\ , May 28 - Graduation Day (ACHS) \n
Old Town Pool &\; Wa rwick Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.\n
Chinquapin\, Minnie Howard & \; Memorial Pool: Closed\n
All Other Facilities: Open for re gularly scheduled hours\n
Please visit the links below for m ore information.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
A udience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Ce nter\, Youth\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://\;si=58448
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during i nclement weather and closures.
\nRPCA Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\nAquatic Facilities
\nLearn mor e about RPCA'\;s Aquatic Facilities.
\nTorpedo Factory Art Center
\nLearn more about the Torped o Factory Art Center.
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T160254Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Pools CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58449\n\nThursday\, June 19 - Juneteenth\n\nOPEN: \nCharles Houston & Patrick Henry: \n9 a.m.-3 p.m.\nOld Town Pool\, Warw ick Pool & Memorial Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. \n\nCLOSED: All Other Faciliti es\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adult\, Arts\, Fa mily\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torped o Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: htt p://\n\nWeb res ources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nhttps://www\nVerif y status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclemen t weather and closures.\n\nRPCA Website\n reation\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & Cultu ral Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\n /Recreation#ConnectwithUs\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter! \n\nTorpedo Factory Art Center\n\nLearn more a bout the Torpedo Factory Art Center.\n\nAquatic Facilities\nhttps://www.a\nLearn more about RPCA's Aquatic Facilities.\n DTEND:20250620T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T160505Z DTSTART:20250619T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closures: Juneteenth TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:80b4a8a3-8822-48d8-9bdc-82fa0cc595b2 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Thursday\, June 19 - Juneteenth\n
OPEN: \n
Charles Houston & \; Patrick Henry: \n
9 a.m.-3 p.m.\n
Old Town Pool\, Warwick Po ol &\; Memorial Pool: 10 a.m.?4 p.m. \n
CLOSED: All Oth er Facilities\n
Please visit the links below for more inform ation.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: A nyone may attend\n
Tags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, R ecreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, You th\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexa\;si=58449
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify s tatus of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement w eather and closures.
\nRPCA Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation \, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\nTorpedo Factory Art Center
\nLearn more about the Torpedo Factory Art Center.
\nAquatic Facilities
\nLearn more about RPCA'\;s Aquatic Facilities.
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T160505Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Pools CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58450\n\nFriday\, July 4 Independence Day Hours: \n \nOPEN:\nOld Town Pool & Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.\n\nAll Other Facili ties: Closed \n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may a ttend\nTags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recre ation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: .aspx?id=1&si=58450\n\nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Serv ice Cancellations\n y-service-cancellations\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facil ity operations during inclement weather and closures.\n\nRPCA Website\nht tps://\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media \n\nFollow us on Ins tagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter!\n\nTorpedo Factory Art Center\nhttps://tor\nLearn more about the Torpedo Factory Art Center.\n\nAqu atic Facilities\n\nLearn more about RPCA's Aquatic Facilities.\n DTEND:20250705T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T161641Z DTSTART:20250704T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Independence Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:63dc0e25-636a-401d-8f95-1367098c58b8 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Friday\, J uly 4 Independence Day Hours: \n
Old Town Pool &\; Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Closed \n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Yo uth\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://apps.alex\;si=58450
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.
\nRPCA Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreatio n\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollo w us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\nTorpedo Factory Art Center
\nLearn more about the Torpedo Factory Art Center.
\nAquatic Facilities
\nLearn more about RPCA'\;s Aquatic Facilities.
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T161641Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58451\n\nMonday\, September 1 - Labor Day\n\nOld To wn Pool & Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.\n\nAll Other Facilities: Closed\n\ nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\nLocation: No Loca tion Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adult\, Family\, Paren ts\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center \, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexandriav\n\nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Prog ram\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\n ca/rpca-program-activity-service-cancellations\nVerify status of programs \, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closur es.\n\nRecreation Website\n\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\n nnectwithUs\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20250902T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T162207Z DTSTART:20250901T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Labor Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:7458562d-8b6c-4354-acec-327249aa0d0b URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Monday\, S eptember 1 - Labor Day\n
Old Town Pool &\; Warwick Pool: 10 a.m.?4 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Closed\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n
Locati on: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags : Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, To rpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import this event into yo ur calendar: \;si=58451
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &\; Service C ancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.
\nRecreation Website
\nFind out mor e about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities ( RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T162207Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Aquatics CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Pools CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58452\n\nMonday\, October 13 - Indigenous Peoples' Day\n\nCharles Houston & Patrick Henry: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.\nAll Other Faciliti es: Closed\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\nLocat ion: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adult\, A quatics\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Te ens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your c alendar: 2\n\nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\ n tions\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations dur ing inclement weather and closures.\n\nRecreation Website\n\nFind out more about the Department of Recreati on\, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://ww\nFollow us on Instagram\, Fac ebook\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20251014T035500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T162323Z DTSTART:20251013T040000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Indigenous Peoples' Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:f2abe566-44da-4c71-8a5e-45d7e1a299cd URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Monday\, O ctober 13 - Indigenous Peoples'\; Day\n
Charles Houston & amp\; Patrick Henry: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Closed\n< br />\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend \n
Tags: Adult\, Aquatics\, Family\, Parents\, Pools\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import this event into your calendar: CalendarTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58452
\nRPCA Progra m\, Activity\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of pro grams\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and c losures.
\nRecreatio n Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Par ks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T162323Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58453\n\nFriday\, November 11 - Veterans Day\n\nCha rles Houston\, Chinquapin & Patrick Henry: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.\n\nAll Other Fac ilities: Closed\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\n Location: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adul t\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http: //\n\nWeb resou rces:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nhttps://www.a\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.\n\nRecreation Website\n /Recreation\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & C ultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://www.alexandriava .gov/Recreation#ConnectwithUs\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twit ter!\n DTEND:20251112T045500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T162505Z DTSTART:20251111T050000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Veterans Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:3deecb44-c18f-4541-b3f0-265ae09e5980 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Friday\, N ovember 11 - Veterans Day\n
Charles Houston\, Chinquapin &am p\; Patrick Henry: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Clo sed\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Ce nters\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import this event into your calendar: iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58453
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\ , &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, servi ces\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.
\ nRecreation Website
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cul tural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T162505Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58454\n\nWednesday\, November 26 - Day Before Thank sgiving\n\nChinquapin: 6 a.m.-3 p.m.\nAll Other Facilities: Open for regu larly scheduled hours\n\nPlease visit the links below for more informatio n.\n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags : Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, To rpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar:\n\nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nhttps:/ /\nV erify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during incl ement weather and closures.\n\nRecreation Website\nhttps://www.alexandria\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Par ks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://www.alexan\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20251127T045500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T162728Z DTSTART:20251126T050000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Thanksgiving Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:cdae7720-bab5-4be3-b8e8-64a315371c68 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Wednesday\ , November 26 - Day Before Thanksgiving\n
Chinquapin: 6 a.m. -3 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Open for regularly scheduled hours\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n
\ n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may atten d\n
Tags: Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers \, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import this event into your calendar: aspx?id=1&\;si=58454
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &am p\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.
\nRecreation Website
\ nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Faceb ook\, &\; Twitter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T162728Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58455\n\nThursday\, November 27 - Thanksgiving Day \n\nAll Facilities: Closed\n\nPlease visit the links below for more infor mation.\n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\ nTags: Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens \, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your cale ndar:\n \nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nht tps:// ns\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.\n\nRecreation Website\nhttps://www.alexa\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\ , Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://www.a\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebo ok\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20251128T045500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T162834Z DTSTART:20251127T050000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Thanksgiving Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:d8b6a6e5-14cb-4876-9dc0-2664a173b158 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Thursday\, November 27 - Thanksgiving Day \n
All Facilities: Closed\n< br />\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend \n
Tags: Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\ , Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import this e vent into your calendar: spx?id=1&\;si=58455
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & \; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.
\nRecreation Website
\n Find out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebo ok\, &\; Twitter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T162834Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58456\n\nFriday\, November 28 - Day After Thanksgiv ing\n\nCharles Houston\, Chinquapin\, and Patrick Henry: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.\ nAll Other Facilities: Closed\n\nPlease visit the links below for more in formation.\n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may atte nd\nTags: Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Te ens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your c alendar: 6\n\nWeb resources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\ n tions\nVerify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations dur ing inclement weather and closures.\n\nRecreation Website\n\nFind out more about the Department of Recreati on\, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://ww\nFollow us on Instagram\, Fac ebook\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20251129T045500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T162939Z DTSTART:20251128T050000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: Day After Thanksgiving TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:2f03f3c5-4235-4363-bb4b-b547884594a8 URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Friday\, N ovember 28 - Day After Thanksgiving\n
Charles Houston\, Chin quapin\, and Patrick Henry: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.\n
All Other Facilities: Closed\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\ n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone m ay attend\n
Tags: Adult\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Impo rt this event into your calendar: st/iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58456
\nRPCA Program\, Activi ty\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, se rvices\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.\nRecreation Website< /a>
\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultural Activities (RPCA).
RPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram \, Facebook\, &\; Twitter!
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20241223T162939Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Family CATEGORIES:Parents CATEGORIES:Recreation CATEGORIES:Recreation Centers CATEGORIES:Teens CATEGORIES:Torpedo Factory Art Center CATEGORIES:Youth DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58459\n\nWednesday\, December 31 - New Year's Eve\n \nChinquapin: 6 a.m.-3 p.m.\nAll Other Facilities: Open for regularly sch eduled hours\n\nPlease visit the links below for more information.\n\nLoc ation: No Location Specified\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Centers\, Teens\, Torp edo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n\nImport this event into your calendar: h ttp://\n\nWeb r esources:\n\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, & Service Cancellations\nhttps://w\nVer ify status of programs\, services\, and facility operations during inclem ent weather and closures.\n\nRecreation Website\nhttps://www.alexandriava .gov/Recreation\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks & Cultural Activities (RPCA).\n\nRPCA Social Media\nhttps://www.alexandr\nFollow us on Instagram\, Facebook\, & Twitter!\n DTEND:20260101T045500Z DTSTAMP:20241223T163624Z DTSTART:20251231T050000Z SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CANCELLED SUMMARY:RPCA Closure: New Year's Eve TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:a72fd4f3-5dae-4c08-b801-2b3623f34a3b URL: lations X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Wednesday\ , December 31 - New Year'\;s Eve\n
Chinquapin: 6 a.m.-3 p .m.\n
All Other Facilities: Open for regularly scheduled hours\n
Please visit the links below for more information.\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n< br />Tags: Adult\, Arts\, Family\, Parents\, Recreation\, Recreation Cent ers\, Teens\, Torpedo Factory Art Center\, Youth\n
Import th is event into your calendar: al.aspx?id=1&\;si=58459
\nRPCA Program\, Activity\, &\; Service Cancellations
\nVerify status of programs\, service s\, and facility operations during inclement weather and closures.
\n< a href="">Recreation Website\nFind out more about the Department of Recreation\, Parks &\; Cultu ral Activities (RPCA).
\nRPCA Social Media
\nFollow us on Instagram\, Fa cebook\, &\; Twitter!