BEGIN:VCALENDAR CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Events & Public Meetings METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// 4.0//EN SUMMARY:Events & Public Meetings VERSION:2.0 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:Events & Public Meetings X-WR-CALNAME:Events & Public Meetings X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Boards & Commissions CATEGORIES:Commission Meeting CATEGORIES:DCHS CATEGORIES:Volunteer CATEGORIES:Women DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58778\n\nThe Tuesday\, 03/04/2025 meeting of the AL EXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being held virtually. \n\nJoin the meeti ng:\n \ nMeeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nPasscode: 498842 \n--- \nOne tap mobile \n+1 9292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New York) \n+13017158592\, \,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n\n\nLocation: City Ha ll\, Room 2000\, 301 King St.\nContact Person: Lexi White\nContact Email:\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Boards & Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n\nI mport this event into your calendar: rTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&si=58778\n\nWeb resources:\n\n 9943633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \n 633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \nMeeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nPa sscode: 498842 \n--- \nOne tap mobile \n+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\ ,\,*498842# US (New York) \n+13017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n\n DTEND:20250305T000001Z DTSTAMP:20250227T172736Z DTSTART:20250304T230000Z GEO:38.805587;-77.042801 LOCATION:City Hall\, Room 2000\, 301 King St. SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:VIRTUAL: Commission for Women Meeting TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:9504ca7a-df49-4403-a7ca-828c31cd79c9 URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
The Tuesda y\, 03/04/2025 meeting of the ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being he ld virtually. \n
Join the meeting:\n 97449943633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \n
Meeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \n
Passcode: 498842 \n
--- \n
One tap mobile \n< br />+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New York) \n
+ 13017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n
Location: City Hall\, Room 2000\, 301 King St.\n
Conta ct Person: Lexi White\n
Contact Email: commissionforwomen@alexandria\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Boards &\; Comm issions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n
Im port this event into your calendar: Test/iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58778
\n ?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1
\n 3633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \nMeeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nP asscode: 498842 \n--- \nOne tap mobile \n+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\, \,\,*498842# US (New York) \n+13017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250227T172736Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Gadsby's Tavern CATEGORIES:Museums CATEGORIES:Women CATEGORIES:Women History DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58581\n\nSpecialty Tour: A Toast to the Ladies!\nTh is special tour and discussion will highlight the many women over the cen turies associated with Gadsby's Tavern Museum. From Hannah Griffith\, the first woman to operate a coffeehouse in the tavern\, to the spearheading preservationist Rebecca Ramsay Reese\, these women's stories will spark conversations about political\, economic\, and social conditions for wome n in the past and the present. Please note tour involves ascending and de scending stairs. Ticket includes tea\, which can be carried throughout th e tour and discussion.\nMinimum Age: 21\n\nLocation: Gadsby's Tavern Muse um\, 134 N. Royal St.\nFees: $20\, $15 Historic Alexandria Members\nAudie nce: Anyone may attend\nTags: Gadsby's Tavern\, Museums\, Women\, Women H istory\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexandriava. gov/CalendarTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&si=58581\n\nWeb resources:\n\nPurchase Ti ckets Online\n\n DTEND:20250308T003000Z DTSTAMP:20250304T132557Z DTSTART:20250307T230000Z GEO:38.805577;-77.043493 LOCATION:Gadsby's Tavern Museum\, 134 N. Royal St. SEQUENCE:7 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Specialty Tour: A Toast to the Ladies! TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:e00d8dfd-340d-4051-8223-9d4d2c2df7eb URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Specialty Tour: A Toast to the Ladies!\n
This special tour and discussion will highlight the many women over the centuries associated with Gadsby'\; s Tavern Museum. From Hannah Griffith\, the first woman to operate a coff eehouse in the tavern\, to the spearheading preservationist Rebecca Ramsa y Reese\, these women'\;s stories will spark conversations about polit ical\, economic\, and social conditions for women in the past and the pre sent. Please note tour involves ascending and descending stairs. Ticket i ncludes tea\, which can be carried throughout the tour and discussion.\n< br />Minimum Age: 21\n
Location: Gadsby'\;s Tavern Museum \, 134 N. Royal St.\n
Fees: $20\, $15 Historic Alexandria Members\n< br />Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Gadsby'\;s Tavern\, Muse ums\, Women\, Women History\n
Import this event into your ca lendar:\;si= 58581
\nPurchase T ickets Online
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250304T132557Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Gadsby's Tavern CATEGORIES:Museums CATEGORIES:Women CATEGORIES:Women History DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58582\n\nSpecialty Tour: A Toast to the Ladies!\nTh is special tour and discussion will highlight the many women over the cen turies associated with Gadsby's Tavern Museum. From Hannah Griffith\, the first woman to operate a coffeehouse in the tavern\, to the spearheading preservationist Rebecca Ramsay Reese\, these women's stories will spark conversations about political\, economic\, and social conditions for wome n in the past and the present. Please note tour involves ascending and de scending stairs. Ticket includes tea\, which can be carried throughout th e tour and discussion.\nMinimum Age: 21\n\nLocation: Gadsby's Tavern Muse um\, 134 N. Royal St.\nFees: $20\, $15 Historic Alexandria Members\nAudie nce: Anyone may attend\nTags: Gadsby's Tavern\, Museums\, Women\, Women H istory\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexandriava. gov/CalendarTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&si=58582\n\nWeb resources:\n\nPurchase Ti ckets Online\n\n DTEND:20250309T003000Z DTSTAMP:20250304T132618Z DTSTART:20250308T230000Z GEO:38.805577;-77.043493 LOCATION:Gadsby's Tavern Museum\, 134 N. Royal St. SEQUENCE:6 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Specialty Tour: A Toast to the Ladies! TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:0cf6b603-42c9-46b3-aa15-d142e9b576f7 URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Specialty Tour: A Toast to the Ladies!\n
This special tour and discussion will highlight the many women over the centuries associated with Gadsby'\; s Tavern Museum. From Hannah Griffith\, the first woman to operate a coff eehouse in the tavern\, to the spearheading preservationist Rebecca Ramsa y Reese\, these women'\;s stories will spark conversations about polit ical\, economic\, and social conditions for women in the past and the pre sent. Please note tour involves ascending and descending stairs. Ticket i ncludes tea\, which can be carried throughout the tour and discussion.\n< br />Minimum Age: 21\n
Location: Gadsby'\;s Tavern Museum \, 134 N. Royal St.\n
Fees: $20\, $15 Historic Alexandria Members\n< br />Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Gadsby'\;s Tavern\, Muse ums\, Women\, Women History\n
Import this event into your ca lendar:\;si= 58582
\nPurchase T ickets Online
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250304T132618Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Boards & Commissions CATEGORIES:Commission Meeting CATEGORIES:DCHS CATEGORIES:Volunteer CATEGORIES:Women DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58809\n\nThe Tuesday\, 03/11/2025 meeting of the AL EXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN EXECUTIVE BOARD is being held in person at 123 N. Pitt St\, 2nd Floor\n\n\nLocation: DCHS\nContact Person: Lexi Whit e\nContact Email:\nAudience: Anyone m ay attend\nTags: Boards & Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volun teer\, Women\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexand DTEND:20250311T223000Z DTSTAMP:20250311T215925Z DTSTART:20250311T220000Z LOCATION:DCHS SEQUENCE:5 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Commission for Women Executive Board Meeting TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:9f3917f1-fd61-4ce6-b6da-6cfaf170442e X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
The Tuesda y\, 03/11/2025 meeting of the ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN EXECUTIVE B OARD is being held in person at 123 N. Pitt St\, 2nd Floor\n
Location: DCHS\n
Contact Person: Lexi White\n
Contact Email:\n
Audience: Anyone may at tend\n
Tags: Boards &\; Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n
Import this event into your calendar: h ttp://\;si=58809 X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250311T215925Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Boards & Commissions CATEGORIES:Commission Meeting CATEGORIES:DCHS CATEGORIES:Volunteer CATEGORIES:Women DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58779\n\nThe Tuesday\, 03/11/2025 meeting of the AL EXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being held hybrid.\n\n\nLocation: City H all\, Room 2000\, 301 King St.\nContact Person: Lexi White\nContact Email :\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Boards & Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n\n Import this event into your calendar: arTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&si=58779\n\nWeb resources:\n\n 49943633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \n 3633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \nMeeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nP asscode: 498842 \n--- \nOne tap mobile \n+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\, \,\,*498842# US (New York) \n+13017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n\n DTEND:20250312T010000Z DTSTAMP:20250227T174925Z DTSTART:20250311T230000Z GEO:38.805587;-77.042801 LOCATION:City Hall\, Room 2000\, 301 King St. SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Commission for Women Meeting TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:a5556c0d-f729-425e-9794-984f47c2f23d URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
The Tuesda y\, 03/11/2025 meeting of the ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being he ld hybrid.\n
Location: City Hall\, Room 2000\, 301 K ing St.\n
Contact Person: Lexi White\n
Contact Email: commissio\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags : Boards &\; Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Wom en\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexa\;si=58779
\nhttps :// \nMeeting I D: 974 4994 3633 \nPasscode: 498842 \n--- \nOne tap mobile \n+19292056099 \,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New York) \n+13017158592\,\,97449943 633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250227T174925Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Museums CATEGORIES:Old & Historic Alexandria CATEGORIES:Old Town CATEGORIES:Women CATEGORIES:Women History DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58703\n\nWomen's History Walk led by Alexandria Cel ebrates Women. \n\nDid you know Alexandria was home to one of the most re vered female fundraisers of the American Revolution\, or that President W oodrow Wilson sent an Alexandria woman on a mission aboard a U.S. battles hip? If you have wondered how women helped put our city on the map\, now is your chance to learn about them!As part of America's 250th anniversary \, Alexandria Celebrates Women (ACW) will be leading Women's History Wal ks the third Saturday of every month\, March through October. The walk is three-miles and takes approximately two hours. Participants should regis ter through Eventbrite to guarantee their space and meet at the Alexandri a Visitor's Center\, 221 King Street in the garden by 10 a.m. Don't forge t comfortable shoes and water!\n\nLocation: No Location Specified\nAudie nce: Anyone may attend\nTags: Museums\, Old & Historic Alexandria\, Old T own\, Women\, Women History\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http ://\n\nWeb reso urces:\n\nPurchase tickets online.\n ia-womens-history-walks-tickets-1227954237179?aff=ebdssbdestsearch\n DTEND:20250322T190000Z DTSTAMP:20250228T154820Z DTSTART:20250322T160000Z SEQUENCE:7 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Alexandria Women's History Walk TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:ebae5feb-70d5-4b7e-918a-971a3f4df297 URL: 227954237179?aff=ebdssbdestsearch X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Women'\ ;s History Walk led by Alexandria Celebrates Women. \n
Did y ou know Alexandria was home to one of the most revered female fundraisers of the American Revolution\, or that President Woodrow Wilson sent an Al exandria woman on a mission aboard a U.S. battleship? If you have wondere d how women helped put our city on the map\, now is your chance to learn about them!As part of America?s 250th anniversary\, Alexandria Celebrates Women (ACW) will be leading Women?s History Walks the third Saturday of every month\, March through October. The walk is three-miles and takes a pproximately two hours. Participants should register through Eventbrite t o guarantee their space and meet at the Alexandria Visitor?s Center\, 221 King Street in the garden by 10 a.m. Don?t forget comfortable shoes and water!\n
Location: No Location Specified\n
Audience: A nyone may attend\n
Tags: Museums\, Old &\; Historic Alexandria\, Old Town\, Women\, Women History\n
Import this event into yo ur calendar: \;si=58703
\nPurchase tickets online.
\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250228T154820Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Boards & Commissions CATEGORIES:Commission Meeting CATEGORIES:DCHS CATEGORIES:Volunteer CATEGORIES:Women DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58818\n\nThe Tuesday\, 03/25/2025 meeting of the AL EXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN EXECUTIVE BOARD is being held in person at City Hall\, 301 King St\, Rm. 2000\n\n\nLocation: DCHS\nContact Person: L exi White\nContact Email:\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Boards & Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS \, Volunteer\, Women\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps DTEND:20250325T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250312T141025Z DTSTART:20250325T220000Z LOCATION:DCHS SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Commission for Women Executive Board Meeting TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:7964ab18-25a8-431d-ade1-00467dd00537 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
The Tuesda y\, 03/25/2025 meeting of the ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN EXECUTIVE B OARD is being held in person at City Hall\, 301 King St\, Rm. 2000\n
Location: DCHS\n
Contact Person: Lexi White\n
Contact Email:\n
Audience: Anyon e may attend\n
Tags: Boards &\; Commissions\, Commission Meeting\ , DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n
Import this event into your cal endar:\;si=5 8818 X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250312T141025Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Women CATEGORIES:Women History DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58772\n\n"Listening to the Voices of Women Poets: A n In-person Reading" in Celebration of Women's History Month." Cosponsore d with Northern Virginia Community College. Bisdorf Building\, Alexandria Campus. Free\, in person event\; RSVP requested at .\n\nLocation: NVCC Bisdorf Building\nContact Person: Cheryl Anne Colton\ nContact Phone: 703.746.5565/ 571.238.2443\nContact Email: cherylanne.col\nFees: RSVP requested at\nAud ience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Arts\, Women\, Women History\n\nImport th is event into your calendar: al.aspx?id=1&si=58772 DTEND:20250326T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250304T132731Z DTSTART:20250326T160000Z GEO:38.840388;-77.114616 LOCATION:NVCC Bisdorf Building SEQUENCE:6 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Listening to the Voices of Women Poets TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:6b4c9ee8-6525-4ad8-b226-ccec7bbffc28 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
"\;Lis tening to the Voices of Women Poets: An In-person Reading"\; in Celeb ration of Women?s History Month.? Cosponsored with Northern Virginia Comm unity College. Bisdorf Building\, Alexandria Campus. Free\, in person eve nt\; RSVP requested at\n
Location: NV CC Bisdorf Building\n
Contact Person: Cheryl Anne Colton\n
Cont act Phone: 703.746.5565/ 571.238.2443\n
Contact Email:\n
Fees: RSVP requested at poet@alexandriava.go v.\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Arts\, Women\, Women H istory\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://apps.a\;si=58772 X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250304T132731Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Boards & Commissions CATEGORIES:Commission Meeting CATEGORIES:DCHS CATEGORIES:Volunteer CATEGORIES:Women DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58819\n\nThe Tuesday\, 04/8/2025 meeting of the ALE XANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being held virtually. \n\nJoin the meetin g:\n \n Meeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nPasscode: 498842 \n--- \nOne tap mobile \n+19 292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New York) \n+13017158592\,\ ,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n\n\nLocation: Virtual Only\nContact Person: Lexi White\nContact Email: commissionforwomen@alex\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Boards & Commissions\, C ommission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n\nImport this event into yo ur calendar: 58819\n\nWeb resources:\n\n nIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \n mufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \nMeeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nPasscode: 498842 \n--- \nO ne tap mobile \n+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New York ) \n+13017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n\n DTEND:20250409T010000Z DTSTAMP:20250312T141534Z DTSTART:20250408T230000Z LOCATION: Virtual Only SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:VIRTUAL: Commission for Women Meeting TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:844c94a9-e9d8-43ec-88c4-1371d7a13935 URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
The Tuesda y\, 04/8/2025 meeting of the ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being hel d virtually. \n
Join the meeting:\n 7449943633?pwd=eDvGo2ydLeZrnIefmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \n
Meeting ID: 974 4 994 3633 \n
Passcode: 498842 \n
--- \n
One tap mobile \n+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New York) \n
+1 3017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n
\n< br />\n
Location: Virtual Only\n
Contact Person: Lexi White\n< br />Contact Email:\n
Audience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Boards &\; Commissions\, Commission Mee ting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n
Import this event into you r calendar:\ ;si=58819
\n Y4CBDhfxFJm.1
\n fmufY4CBDhfxFJm.1 \nMeeting ID: 974 4994 3633 \nPasscode: 498842 \n--- \n One tap mobile \n+19292056099\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (New Yor k) \n+13017158592\,\,97449943633#\,\,\,\,*498842# US (Washington DC) \n\n X-COA-DTSTAMP:20250312T141534Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Boards & Commissions CATEGORIES:Commission Meeting CATEGORIES:DCHS CATEGORIES:Volunteer CATEGORIES:Women DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58820\n\nThe Tuesday\, 05/13/2025 meeting of the AL EXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being held hybrid. You must register for this meeting:\n w\n\nLocation: City Hall\, Room 2000\, 301 King St.\nContact Person: Lexi White\nContact Email:\nAudience: Any one may attend\nTags: Boards & Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, DCHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n\nImport this event into your calendar:\n\nWeb resources:\n\n\nPublic link t o register:\n\n DTEND:20250514T010000Z DTSTAMP:20250312T141918Z DTSTART:20250513T230000Z GEO:38.805587;-77.042801 LOCATION:City Hall\, Room 2000\, 301 King St. SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Commission for Women Meeting TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:2579e2c8-7ed4-4d5f-b578-81913ad76677 URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
The Tuesda y\, 05/13/2025 meeting of the ALEXANDRIA COMMISSION FOR WOMEN is being he ld hybrid. You must register for this meeting:\n inar/register/WN_MYNlX38TRqOAO5PDkXcBPw\n
Location: City Hal l\, Room 2000\, 301 King St.\n
Contact Person: Lexi White\n
Con tact Email:\n
Audience: Anyone m ay attend\n
Tags: Boards &\; Commissions\, Commission Meeting\, D CHS\, Volunteer\, Women\n
Import this event into your calend ar:\;si=5882 0
\nPu blic link to register:\n 5PDkXcBPw