BEGIN:VCALENDAR CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Celebrate St. Patrick's Day early with The Irish Breakfast Ban d. Most Irish Breakfast Band performances feature 15 or more musicians\, often several fiddles and flutes\, a guitar or two\, a drummer\, a hammer ed dulcimer\, banjo\, pipes\, and at least one vocalist. The band perform s extensively in the Washington Metropolitan area at festivals and other events. METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// 4.0//EN SUMMARY:An Evening of Irish Music on Mar 8\, 2025 VERSION:2.0 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:An Evening of Irish Music on Mar 8\, 2025 X-WR-CALNAME:An Evening of Irish Music on Mar 8\, 2025 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Arts CATEGORIES:Lyceum CATEGORIES:Museums DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see arTest/Detail.aspx?si=58583\n\nCelebrate St. Patrick's Day early with The Irish Breakfast Band. Most Irish Breakfast Band performances feature 15 or more musicians\, often several fiddles and flutes\, a guitar or two\, a drummer\, a hammered dulcimer\, banjo\, pipes\, and at least one vocali st. The band performs extensively in the Washington Metropolitan area at festivals and other events including the Washington Folk Festival\, Art o n the Avenue (in Alexandria) and local concert series. Proceeds from tick et sales\, cash bar\, and tips benefit the Office of Historic Alexandria. \nTickets $10 / $15 at the door. Children 17 & Under $5. Free Snacks. Bee r & wine for sale.\nPlease note: You do not need to print tickets. Your n ame will be on the registration list for this event.\n\nLocation: Lyceum\ nFees: Tickets $10 / $15 at the door. Children 17 & Under $5\nAudience: A nyone may attend\nTags: Arts\, Lyceum\, Museums\n\nImport this event into your calendar: si=58583\n\nWeb resources:\n\nPurchase Tickets Online\nhttps://shop.alexa\n DTEND:20250309T020000Z DTSTAMP:20250118T010755Z DTSTART:20250309T000001Z LOCATION:Lyceum SEQUENCE:5 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:An Evening of Irish Music TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:456e18bd-e508-43ad-8c10-70c10e9dac9f URL: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexa
Celebrate St. Patrick?s Day early with The Irish Breakfast Band. Most Irish Breakfa st Band performances feature 15 or more musicians\, often several fiddles and flutes\, a guitar or two\, a drummer\, a hammered dulcimer\, banjo\, pipes\, and at least one vocalist. The band performs extensively in the Washington Metropolitan area at festivals and other events including the Washington Folk Festival\, Art on the Avenue (in Alexandria) and local co ncert series. Proceeds from ticket sales\, cash bar\, and tips benefit th e Office of Historic Alexandria.\n
Tickets $10 / $15 at the door. Ch ildren 17 &\; Under $5. Free Snacks. Beer &\; wine for sale.\n
Please note: You do not need to print tickets. Your name will be on the registration list for this event.\n
Location: Lyceum\n
Fees: Tickets $10 / $15 at the door. Children 17 &\; Under $5\n
A udience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Arts\, Lyceum\, Museums\n
Import this event into your calendar: CalendarTest/iCal.aspx?id=1&\;si=58583
\nPurchase Tickets Online