BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Come decorate and take home dough ornaments made in shapes insp ired by firefighting. Put your own unique embellishments on forms such as fire helmets\, fire trucks\, and fire hydrants. They are great decoratio ns for the home or office\, during the holidays or any time of year --- an d make excellent gifts! \n\nDon't miss this opportunity to create a specia l keepsake. \n\nFor all ages. METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// Calendar 1.0//EN SUMMARY:Ornament Decorating at Friendship Firehouse on Nov 22\, 2014 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:Ornament Decorating at Friendship Firehouse on Nov 22\, 2014 X-WR-CALNAME:Ornament Decorating at Friendship Firehouse on Nov 22\, 2014 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Family,Friendship Firehouse Museum,Old & Historic Alexandria,Old Town DESCRIPTION:To make sure the time\, location\, and other aspects have not c hanged\, or to share this event with your friends\, please see https://app\n\nCome decorate and take home dough ornaments made in shapes inspired by firefighting. Put your ow n unique embellishments on forms such as fire helmets\, fire trucks\, and fire hydrants. They are great decorations for the home or office\, during the holidays or any time of year --- and make excellent gifts! \n\nDon't miss this opportunity to create a special keepsake. \n\nFor all ages.\n\n Location: Friendship Firehouse Museum\, 107 S. Alfred St.\nContact Phone: 703.746.4994\nFees: One ornament per person will be included with the muse um's $2 admission\, and additional ornaments will be available for $1 each . \nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Family\, Friendship Firehouse Museu m\, Old & Historic Alexandria\, Old Town\n\nImport this event into your ca lendar:\n\nWe b resources:\n\n\n DTEND:20141122T210000Z DTSTAMP:20141030T231852Z DTSTART:20141122T180000Z GEO:38.804940;-77.049408 LOCATION:Friendship Firehouse Museum\, 107 S. Alfred St. SEQUENCE:5 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Ornament Decorating at Friendship Firehouse TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:8b7fc01e-8a0c-4e43-b818-e1919068e0e9 URL: X-COA-DTSTAMP:20141030T231852Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR