BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Java Jolt Lecture: "Through the Eyes (and Pen) of Julia Wilbur. " In October 1862\, an abolitionist named Julia Wilbur traveled south from Rochester\, NY\, to Alexandria. She spent most of the next 3 years here\, witnessing many of the pivotal moments of the Civil War. \n\nHow did a si ngle woman manage to get here? What did she do once she arrived? And how d o we know?\n \nIn the January Java Jolt\, FOAA board member and research h istorian Paula Whitacre tells the story of Julia Wilbur through her diarie s\, letters\, and other writings and photos. Paula has transcribed and ann otated one set of Julia Wilbur's diaries and is coordinating a project to make more of her writing available to the public. METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// Calendar 1.0//EN SUMMARY:"Through the Eyes (and Pen) of Julia Wilbur" on Jan 25\, 2014 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:"Through the Eyes (and Pen) of Julia Wilbur" on Jan 25\, 2014 X-WR-CALNAME:"Through the Eyes (and Pen) of Julia Wilbur" on Jan 25\, 2014 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Adult,Archaeology Museum,Lecture,Old & Historic Alexandria,Old T own DESCRIPTION:To make sure the time\, location\, and other aspects have not c hanged\, or to share this event with your friends\, please see https://app\n\nJava Jolt Lecture: "Thr ough the Eyes (and Pen) of Julia Wilbur." In October 1862\, an abolitionis t named Julia Wilbur traveled south from Rochester\, NY\, to Alexandria. S he spent most of the next 3 years here\, witnessing many of the pivotal mo ments of the Civil War. \n\nHow did a single woman manage to get here? Wha t did she do once she arrived? And how do we know?\n\nIn the January Java Jolt\, FOAA board member and research historian Paula Whitacre tells the s tory of Julia Wilbur through her diaries\, letters\, and other writings an d photos. Paula has transcribed and annotated one set of Julia Wilbur's di aries and is coordinating a project to make more of her writing available to the public.\n\nLocation: Alexandria Archaeology Museum\, 105 N. Union S t.\nContact Phone: 703.746.4399\nContact Email: archaeology@alexandriava.g ov\nFees: Free\, but please RSVP as space is limited.\nAudience: Anyone ma y attend\nTags: Adult\, Archaeology Museum\, Lecture\, Old & Historic Alex andria\, Old Town\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps.ale DTEND:20140125T163000Z DTSTAMP:20131214T203821Z DTSTART:20140125T150000Z GEO:38.804893;-77.040001 LOCATION:Alexandria Archaeology Museum\, 105 N. Union St. SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:"Through the Eyes (and Pen) of Julia Wilbur" TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:9fbe1337-4802-4559-b30d-ea97efbb04ca X-COA-DTSTAMP:20131214T203821Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR