BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Admission Tax reports and payments based on last month's receip ts are due on or before the last day of the month. METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// Calendar 1.0//EN SUMMARY:Admission Tax Reports and Payments Due on May 31\, 2011 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:Admission Tax Reports and Payments Due on May 31\, 2011 X-WR-CALNAME:Admission Tax Reports and Payments Due on May 31\, 2011 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Admission Tax,Tax Filing Deadline,Tax Payment Deadline,Taxes DESCRIPTION:To make sure the time\, location\, and other aspects have not c hanged\, or to share this event with your friends\, please see https://app\n\nAny person or group of p ersons\, corporation\, company\, association\, firm or co-partnership that charges admission to any event occurring in the City of Alexandria\, irre spective of the location at which admission may be sold\, must collect an admissions tax. The tax is ten percent of the admission charge\, not to e xceed $0.50 per person. Every entity collecting the tax must file a repor t with the City on taxes collected on admissions\, showing the number of p ersons admitted\, the amount of admission charges collected\, the amount o f the taxes due and the amount of taxes being remitted with the report. Th e report and payment of the taxes collected should be filed with the City on or before the last day of the month following the month being reported. \n\n\nLocation: City Hall\, Room 1700\nContact Person: Tax Audit\, Researc h & Analysis\nContact Phone: 703.746.3903\nContact Email: miscellaneoustax\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Admission Tax\, Tax Filing Deadline\, Tax Payment Deadline\, Taxes\n\nImport this event into y our calendar:\ n\nWeb resources:\n\n 13352\n DTEND:20110601T035500Z DTSTAMP:20130619T220000Z DTSTART:20110531T120000Z LOCATION:City Hall\, Room 1700 SEQUENCE:5 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Admission Tax Reports and Payments Due TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:3d91e928-d30d-4759-a573-eaae641fd7ea URL: X-COA-DTSTAMP:20101230T212702Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR