BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Mark Fire Prevention Week and explore Alexandria's firefighting history on the "Blazing a Trail: Alexandria's Firefighting History" tour . METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// Calendar 1.0//EN SUMMARY:Firefighting History Walking Tour on Oct 10\, 2015 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:Firefighting History Walking Tour on Oct 10\, 2015 X-WR-CALNAME:Firefighting History Walking Tour on Oct 10\, 2015 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Museums,Old & Historic Alexandria,Old Town DESCRIPTION:To make sure the time\, location\, and other aspects have not c hanged\, or to share this event with your friends\, please see https://app\n\nMark Fire Prevention W eek and explore Alexandria's firefighting history on the "Blazing a Trail: Alexandria's Firefighting History" tour. Participants learn about volun teer firefighting in early Alexandria\, three devastating fires\, and the five volunteer fire companies. The tour begins at the historic Friendship Firehouse\, goes east on Prince Street\, and returns to Friendship via Ki ng Street. \n\nThe Friendship Fire Company\, established in 1774\, was the first fire company in Alexandria. Friendship members were volunteers mot ivated by their concern for the property and well-being of the community. \n\nToday the Friendship Firehouse\, built in 1855\, is a museum open to the public. Buckets\, hose\, axes\, Friendship's mid-19th century suction engine - elaborately decorated with the company's clasped-hands insignia - are on view. Visitors also see the company's ornate hose reel carriage that was made in Alexandria\, and learn how the organization played a larg er role in the community. In addition to fighting fires\, Friendship memb ers participated in parades and performed ceremonial duties for civic even ts. In the firehouse Meeting Room ceremonial artifacts such as helmets\, c apes and other regalia\, are exhibited alongside the room's original furni ture.\n\nFriendship Firehouse Museum is located at 107 South Alfred Street in Old Town\, Alexandria. The site is open from 1-4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays\; closed on major holidays. The museum is owned and operated by t he City of Alexandria\, and managed by the City's Office of Historic Alexa ndria. Special programming is offered throughout the year. For more info rmation see\; or contact the museum by callin g 703.746.3891. \n\n\nLocation: Friendship Firehouse Museum\, 107 S. Alfre d St.\nContact Phone: 703.746.4994\nFees: For age 10 and older. $6 for ad ults\, $4 ages 10-17. Reservations are required\, as space is limited.\nA udience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Museums\, Old & Historic Alexandria\, Ol d Town\n\nImport this event into your calendar: http://apps.alexandriava.g ov/Calendar/iCal.aspx?id=1&si=11463\n\nWeb resources:\n\nhttp://www.friend\n DTEND:20151010T183000Z DTSTAMP:20150908T171501Z DTSTART:20151010T170000Z GEO:38.804940;-77.049408 LOCATION:Friendship Firehouse Museum\, 107 S. Alfred St. SEQUENCE:4 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Firefighting History Walking Tour TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:9e1e7e8c-5244-4fba-b8a2-453a1c90e0ff URL: X-COA-DTSTAMP:20150908T171501Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR