BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:Join President James Madison\, as presented by John Douglas Hal l\, at Gadsby's Tavern Museum METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// Calendar 1.0//EN SUMMARY:Presidential Salon with James Madison on Nov 8\, 2015 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:Presidential Salon with James Madison on Nov 8\, 2015 X-WR-CALNAME:Presidential Salon with James Madison on Nov 8\, 2015 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Gadsby's Tavern,Lecture,Old & Historic Alexandria,Old Town DESCRIPTION:To make sure the time\, location\, and other aspects have not c hanged\, or to share this event with your friends\, please see https://app\n\nThe date is November 8 \, 1815. Chief Justice John Marshall will be joining President James Madis on for a discussion of the organization and operation of the Supreme Court and how\, in 1815\, it has changed since its initial formation with the J udiciary Act of 1789. They will also be ready to discuss some of the Sup reme Court Cases up to\, but not including\, 1811 as it may be inappropri ate to discuss cases since that time or that our "now pending." \n\nThis p ublic debate in the company of James Madison\, as presented by John Dougla s Hall\, at Gadsby's Tavern Museum\, is part of on-going series of preside ntial salons which began in 2010. Public questions and opinions related t o the salon topics are welcome and encouraged.\n\nMadeira\, Port and other libations will be available for purchase at the event. \n\nSince 1985\, John Douglas Hall has been following the life of James Madison on a day-b y-day basis. He offers a very unique opportunity for today's audiences to engage James Madison in conversation in the context of Madison's own time. In appearance\, in content\, syntax\, and with a remarkable command of t he period and the man\, John Douglas Hall has presented James Madison in n umerous academic\, governmental\, public and private forums for more than 25 years. \nIn the late 18th and early 19th centuries\, Gadsby's Tavern w as the center of social and political life in Alexandria and the new Feder al City of Washington. The tavern served as the premier gathering place f or residents - including George Washington - and visitors to eat\, drink\, learn\, and influence history. Gadsby's Tavern Museum is located in the h eart of Old Town Alexandria. For more information\, please visit www.gadsb \n\n\nLocation: Gadsby's Tavern Museum\, 134 N. Royal St.\ nContact Phone: 703.746.4242\nFees: Reservations are recommended $15 per p erson\, $10 for high school/college students. \nAudience: Anyone may atten d\nTags: Gadsby's Tavern\, Lecture\, Old & Historic Alexandria\, Old Town\ n\nImport this event into your calendar: ndar/iCal.aspx?id=1&si=10390\n\nWeb resources:\n\nhttps://shop.alexandriav\n DTEND:20151108T213000Z DTSTAMP:20151102T170112Z DTSTART:20151108T200000Z GEO:38.805577;-77.043493 LOCATION:Gadsby's Tavern Museum\, 134 N. Royal St. SEQUENCE:7 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Presidential Salon with James Madison TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:bda05d91-e03e-4859-89c8-13ce8c0a2b18 URL: X-COA-DTSTAMP:20151102T170112Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR