BEGIN:VCALENDAR CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DESCRIPTION:City Council Public Hearing Meeting FY 2026 Budget METHOD:PUBLISH PRODID:-// 4.0//EN SUMMARY:City Council Public Hearing: FY2026 Budget on Mar 10\, 2025 VERSION:2.0 X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT12H X-WR-CALDESC:City Council Public Hearing: FY2026 Budget on Mar 10\, 2025 X-WR-CALNAME:City Council Public Hearing: FY2026 Budget on Mar 10\, 2025 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Budget CATEGORIES:Budget2026 CATEGORIES:Cablecast CATEGORIES:City Council CATEGORIES:City Council Calendar CATEGORIES:City Council Public Comment Opportunity CATEGORIES:City Hall CATEGORIES:Community Engagement CATEGORIES:Council Meeting CATEGORIES:Public Hearing CATEGORIES:Webcast DESCRIPTION:To verify info please see ar/Detail.aspx?si=57881\n\nThe March 10\, 2025 Special Budget Public Hear ing Meeting of the Alexandria City Council is being held in the Council C hamber (301 King Street\, Alexandria\, Virginia\, 22314) and electronical ly. Members of City Council and staff are participating either in-person or from a remote location through a video conference call on Zoom. The meeting can be accessed by the public in the City Council chamber\, throu gh the live broadcast on the government channel 70\, streaming on the Cit y's website\, and can be accessed via Zoom by the following link:\n\nWebi nar ID: 981 6558 0049\nWebinar Passcode: 060639\nDial-in number: 301-71 5-8592\nRegistration: hRrTf5JQ \n\nIf you use the Zoom webinar application\, please be sure you have updated the application to the latest version for the best results. If you are unable to access the Zoom webinar\, please use the Dial-In n umber to access the meeting.\n\n***PLEASE LOG-IN EARLY IF POSSIBLE***\n\n Links:\nMeeting Agenda and Live Webcast\nThe meeting will be webcast live and video and audio recordings will be available a few days after the me eting.\n\nZoom Registration Form\nIf you wish to use Zoom to watch the me eting or to address Council\, you must register first. Those wishing to address Council should also submit a Speaker's Form using the link below. \n\nSpeaker's Form\n\n\n\nSub mission of written statements is encouraged. Please sign up after the do cket is created and posted and you are able to verify the meeting date on the City's website. If you have prepared statement or a written comment s for the record you may email it to the City Clerk at CouncilComment@ale\n\nPublic Comment will be received at this meeting.\n\n*** ***\n\nIndividuals requiring translation services should contact the City Clerk and Clerk of Council at or at 703.7 46.4550. We request that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may be made. Please specify the language for translation w hen you make the request.\n\nLas personas que requieran servicios de trad ucci?n deben comunicarse con el Secretario de la Ciudad y el Secretario d el Consejo en o al 703.746.4550. Le solici tamos que proporcione un aviso de 48 horas para que se puedan hacer los a rreglos necesarios. Por favor\, especifique el idioma de traducci?n cuand o realice la solicitud.\n\n******\n\nLocation: City Hall\, Council Chambe r\, 301 King St.\nContact Person: Gloria Sitton\nContact Email: CouncilCo\nAudience: Anyone may attend\nTags: Budget\, Budge t2026\, Cablecast\, City Council\, City Council Calendar\, City Council P ublic Comment Opportunity\, City Hall\, Community Engagement\, Council Me eting\, Public Hearing\, Webcast\n\nImport this event into your calendar:\n\nWeb res ources:\n\nMeeting Agenda\n ngs/2025/3/2612_A_City_Council_Special_Meeting_25-03-10_Docket.pdf\n\nSpe aker Form\n\n\nZoom Registrat ion\n\n DTEND:20250311T000001Z DTSTAMP:20250228T212537Z DTSTART:20250310T213000Z GEO:38.805393;-77.043273 LOCATION:City Hall\, Council Chamber\, 301 King St. SEQUENCE:10 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:City Council Public Hearing: FY2026 Budget TRANSP:TRANSPARENT UID:3f016ca5-db78-41a1-9bf9-a875e61ff692 URL: ouncil_Special_Meeting_25-03-10_Docket.pdf X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:To verify info please see https://apps.alexandri
The March 10\, 202 5 Special Budget Public Hearing Meeting of the Alexandria City Council is being held in the Council Chamber (301 King Street\, Alexandria\, Virgin ia\, 22314) and electronically. Members of City Council and staff are pa rticipating either in-person or from a remote location through a video co nference call on Zoom. The meeting can be accessed by the public in the City Council chamber\, through the live broadcast on the government chann el 70\, streaming on the City'\;s website\, and can be accessed via Zo om by the following link:\n
Webinar ID: 981 6558 0049\n
Webinar Passcode: 060639\n
Dial-in number: 301-715-8592\n
Re gistration: \ n
If you use the Zoom webinar application\, please be sure y ou have updated the application to the latest version for the best result s. If you are unable to access the Zoom webinar\, please use the Dial-In number to access the meeting.\n
Meeting Agenda and Live Webcast\n
The meeting will be webcast live and video and audio recordings wil l be available a few days after the meeting.\n
Zoom Registra tion Form\n
If you wish to use Zoom to watch the meeting or to addre ss Council\, you must register first. Those wishing to address Council s hould also submit a Speaker'\;s Form using the link below.\n
\nSpeaker'\;s Form\n
Submission of written statements is encouraged. Please sign up after the docket is created and posted and you are able to verify the me eting date on the City'\;s website. If you have prepared statement or a written comments for the record you may email it to the City Clerk at\n
Public Comment will be re ceived at this meeting.\n
Individuals requiring translation services should contact the City Clerk and Clerk of Council at or at 703.746.4550. We reques t that you provide a 48-hour notice so that the proper arrangements may b e made. Please specify the language for translation when you make the re quest.\n
Las personas que requieran servicios de traducci 43\;n deben comunicarse con el Secretario de la Ciudad y el Secretario de l Consejo en o al 703.746.4550. Le solicit amos que proporcione un aviso de 48 horas para que se puedan hacer los ar reglos necesarios. Por favor\, especifique el idioma de traducció\;n cuando realice la solicitud.\n
Locatio n: City Hall\, Council Chamber\, 301 King St.\n
Contact Person: Glor ia Sitton\n
Contact Email:\n
Au dience: Anyone may attend\n
Tags: Budget\, Budget2026\, Cablecast\, City Council\, City Council Calendar\, City Council Public Comment Opport unity\, City Hall\, Community Engagement\, Council Meeting\, Public Heari ng\, Webcast\n
Import this event into your calendar: http://\;si=57881
\nMeeting Agenda
\nSpeaker Form
\nZoom Re gistration